- This is your One-Stop
- For your CHW needs
CHW Workforce
Completing CHW core competency training is very important for the CHW workforce. There is a need for health care organizations to rely upon the CHW’s training and core competencies, in order to increase uptake into the health care workforce. Core Competency requirement will improve health care providers’ understanding of the standards tor training CHWs.
Community Health Worker Standards & Competency
CHW Mission
To close gaps for the disproportionate disparities that exist for chronic disease among high-risk minorities and vulnerable populations. We achieve our Mission
- By increasing access to Qualified Programs, and Trained Staff (implementing evidence-based, qualified. accredited Programs and Services that are reimbursable).
- By Utilizing a Community Health Worker/promotores (CHW/P) Model that includes CHW/P as members of the Team to improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.
CHW Values
- Build trust with patients and their families
-Provide encouragement with skills-building for chronic disease management and prevention.
- Ongoing follow-up, and support with: motivational interviewing and personalized patient goal-setting.
- Facilitate "S-M-A-R-T" goals, and coordinate primary care services including provider appointments.
- Act as a patient advocate and liaison between the patient/family, to improve communication and engagement with primary care providers and team.
- Provides support and navigates patients to community resources for positively screened unmet needs.
CHW Core Competencies: Communication
- Listening Skills
- Motivational Interviewing
- Non-Verbal Communication
- Reflection
- Group Facilitation
- How Adults Learn
- Adult Learning Theories
CHW Core Competencies: Interpersonal Skills
- Building Trust
- Building Relationships and Conflict Resolution
- Responding to Beliefs, Values, Cultures, Languages
- Setting Personal and Professional Boundaries
- Patient’s Bill of Rights
- HIPAA Confidentiality
CHW Core Competencies: Group Facilitation
- Group Facilitation vs Teaching
- Problem Solving Skills
- Networking
- Service Navigation
- Capacity Building Skills
- Care Coordination
CHW Core Competencies: Motivational Interviewing
- Express Empathy
- Develop Discrepancy
- Avoid Arguments
- Support Self-Efficacy

A Registry of Trained CHWS
The Community Health Worker Resource Center offers certified training for CHW/Promotor and CHW Instructors. By reducing the training cost for employers, we can make it more accessible for everyone.

Trained Wellness Coaches
Facilitate peer support groups in discussions on healthy eating and physical activity. They are certified wellness coaches who have been trained to implement the CDC curriculum: where by loosing 5-7% of your body weight you can prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes.
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Start a Wellness program at your organization. This is a good way to show employees how much you care about them. Ask about access to our virtual training platform and a trained wellness coach to get you started. We implement the CDC curriculum for diabetes (Type 2) prevention. The curriculum is available online at no cost to you. Contact us to learn more.

Trained Enrollment Coaches
Support qualified families with children: to complete required paperwork and provide supporting documents to enroll into Medicaid and CHIP. CHWs complete a certification training program in enrollment. In this role they recruit and support qualified families with children to enroll into Medicaid and CHIP.
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Utilize trained enrollment CHWs to better support the uninsured. Having health insurance is the surest way to ensure regular access to health care. Utilize a CHW to inquire if your uninsured patients have ever completed an application for health insurance. A trained enrollment CHW can support patients with the application, even if they do not speak or write in English. A CHW that speaks the patient’s language can guide qualified patients through the insurance application process.

Trained Peer-to-Peer Support
Peers with lived experience from successfully overcoming and managing their own personal challenges, support and share experiences with others struggling with similar challenges. Peers are trained and receive certification upon completion of required skills building and demonstration of competency.
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Sign up to become a Host agency or Apprenticeship site. We will educate your staff on the roles and responsibilities of the CHW. Review the evidence for the benefits of engaging a CHW on your team including: improved health outcomes for underserved populations, improved quality of care and cost avoidance from more effective use of services. We make our resources available to you.

Trained Health Systems Navigator
Many factors can impede access to health care, including language barriers, and/or lack of trust in health systems. CHWs connect those at high risk for poor health outcomes to needed resources, while building trust and navigating them through the health systems.
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Request a trained CHW to provide community outreach: re-link your patients to their primary care providers and health care teams. If your facility is frequently utilized by uninsured patients, and/or your Emergency Department is frequently visited and utilized for routine chronic disease management: contact us for CHW support to provide individualized support to your patients and their families. Address the root-causes for utilization of emergency services for routine care: and ensure the alignment of the right services to meet the specific need of underserved populations.

Trained Outreach Coaches
Outreach CHW coordinators work with multidisciplinary care teams. They provide outreach to patients and links them to needed resources and support services. CHWs emphasize to patients the importance of followup with health care providers, and adherence to treatment plans. They can reduce hospitalizations by ensuring that patients follow up for routine maintenance care and reengagement with care teams. In this role CHWs serve as a critical linkage between the patient and the care team.
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Ask us about up-skilling your CHW employees. We assess CHW’s prior training and lived experience, to determine gaps in knowledge for core competencies. They can pursue a certification in an area of interest by up-skilling either in classroom training or hands-on apprenticeship training. Ask about our CHW Peer-support Mentors who will provide individual support for up-skilling your existing CHWs.

Trained Resource Navigator
In this role CHWs support multidisciplinary health care teams to link patients to resources for unmet social needs. They communicate patient barriers and solutions to meeting the needs and links patients to community resources. CHW Resource Navigators are very knowledgeable about public and private community resources. They support patients to complete applications and links them to the resources.
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Given the prolonged nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for older Americans and minorities among underserved populations to close gaps in digital divide: gain access to resources for communicating virtually. Ask about our CHW support for computer training and access to internet and/or how to set up your phone or tablet for virtual communication.
90 Days Exploratory Period
While CHWs achieve their core competencies and basic CHW-101 training: they have a 90-day exploratory period to determine which CHW role best suits their lived experience. They can use this time to develop their goals for Individualized Employment Plan. During this time, it is important to let us know if you need additional support and or resources to ensure your success in the program.
CHW Registry
The Community Health Worker (CHW) Registry is a web-based data system designed to track and promote CHW employment. CHWs can “Match” their training, education, skills and accomplishments to employers’ job descriptions, and upload resumes to the registry of employers jobs that are listed listed for CHW roles.