CHW Course

Core Competency 1: Communication
Competency 1A: Communication and Public Speaking
Competency 1B: Types of Communication
Competency 1C: Practicing Effective Communication – Communication Skills and Strategies
Competency 1D: Reflective Listening
Competency 1E: Communication and Customer Service for CHW
Competency 1F: Barriers to Communication – How to Resolve Conflicts and Problems
Competency 1G: Learn How to Write Smart Learning Objectives
Competency 1: Homework Assignment
Competency 1: Knowledge Assessment
Core Competency 2: Motivational Interviewing
Competency 2A: Motivational Interviewing
Competency 2B: Stages of Change Model
Competency 2: Homework Assignment #1
Competency 2C: Motivational Interview Training and Practice
Competency 2D: Practicing Facilitating Techniques – Dealing with Resistance
Competency 2: Homework Assignment #2
Competency 2: Knowledge Assessment